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Angular Matrix Validation

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This module provide an addon directive for form to validate matrix form.


<body ng-app="test" ng-controller="ctrlTest">
    <ng-form name="mForm" matrix-validator data-all="validator">
            <tr ng-repeat="row in matrix" ng-init="rowId = $index">
                <td ng-repeat="item in row track by $index">
                    <input ng-model="row[$index]" type="number"
                           data-row="rowId" data-col="$index"
                           ng-class="{error: mForm['item'+rowId+'_'+$index].$invalid}"
angular.module('test', ['matrixValidation']).controller('ctrlTest', [
        ($scope) => {
            $scope.matrix = [


             * @param {mixed[][]} matrix The matrix with the value of form fields
             * @param {null[][]} validationMatrix The validation matrix template.
             * @returns {boolean[][]}
            $scope.validator = (matrix, validationMatrix) => {
                // Do something to fill validationMatrix with true/false
                // to validate matrix.

                // validationMatrix is give to help you to construct it.
                // It have the same dimension than matrix.
                // But you to return it.
                return validationMatrix;