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This library provide an placement system with the relative placement algorithm used in West Coast Swing dance competitions.

Understading relative placement

Relative placement is a placement system where electors (judges) provide there own placement of each candidates.

The algorithm consist to search for each place a majority of votes for a candidate at this placement or a greater placement.

You can refer to this explain from for all the details.

Get RelativePlacementJS

npm install relative-placement-js --save

With node:

var RelativePlacement = require('relative-placement-js');

With browser:

<script src="{BASE_PATH}/node_modules/relative-placement-js/dist/relative-placement.js"></script>
<!-- Or the original ES6 sources -->
<script src="{BASE_PATH}/node_modules/relative-placement-js/lib/relative-placement.js"></script> 

With AngularJS:

angular.module('myApp', ['relative-placement-js']).controller('MyCtrl', [
    '$scope', 'RelativePlacement',
    function($scope, RelativePlacement){


Use RelativePlacementJS

var contest = new RelativePlacement();



var result = contest.getResult(); // return ['A','B','C','D'];